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Developing a writing practice


Developing a writing practice

Writing for work needs to be a constant stream, but it's hard to write around moods, ill health, and bad habits like perfectionism.

Freelance writers have to write, whether they are in the mood or not. Writing blocks are not an option, and inspiration strikes only rarely.

That’s actually quite a struggle at times, when the well is empty, in a toxic workplace, or especially when struggling with a multitude of health issues!

Julia Cameron writes, at the start of her book The Right to Write:

“… just start where you are. It’s a luxury to be in the mood to write. It’s a blessing but it’s not a necessity. Writing is like breathing, it’s possible to learn to do it well, but the point is to do it no matter what.”

The Right to Write

As I would love to develop a regular writing practice on the side, and write as easily as I breathe, I am working my way through The Right to Write (on Kindle) alongside supporters on Patreon.

Dive in, wherever you are

Write, even when you aren’t in the mood

The Right to Write is similar to the Artist’s Way (also by Julia Cameron), but very much focused on working writers, those who don’t feel up to task in one way or another. It tackles creative blocks, procrastination, perfectionism, imposter syndrome and more.

Do you have to be right to write?

It’s difficult to feel that it’s OK to just write something, anything.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. The time has to be right, or the topic, or the mood, … and thus the writing never gets done. This is a hurdle I must overcome.

One of the exercises that Julia includes in all of her Artist Way-style books, is to quickly write postcards to friends and loved ones. It doesn’t have to be deep and meaningful, just a short “I’m thinking of you”, as an easy toe-dip into writing more regularly and easily.

Writing short postcards to friends is a common quick way into writing following the Artist's Way A good tea helps

Beware, free writing is addictive

While some of the free writing exercises have dived deep into my past, my fears and frustrations, it has been very good to let the moodiness out on the page.

I have already seen improvements in my freelance writing - it’s easier to settle into writing and create the content that is required.

Accepting imperfection is a healthy goal

Life’s drama can become a force for good and drive a writing practice - writing fast and free is a healthy way to process it. As long as you can accept imperfection and not let any negative criticism hold you back from continuing and improving.

Yet another hurdle for me to overcome, written as a recovering perfectionist.

A good tea, good music, and a nice pen helps too A pen pouch (works for both sketching and writing) helps

Join me on Patreon

As you can see, I am currently working through Julia Cameron’s The Right to Write and sharing semi-regular updates with patrons at the supporters level (5 euros per month).

If you are interested in working through it alongside me, would like to read about my particular take-aways from the book, or want to discuss the exercises and any thoughts that arise, I’d love for you to join me on Patreon.

As a patron, you can also access a huge library of English language teaching and learning resources, see what I get up to in the garden and kitchen, and support my creative journey through art, yarn crafts and more. We can also chat directly during the occasional co-working session and stream.

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Creative and garden updates, and English language resources published on Patreon

Categories | WRITING
Tags | Patreon, writing
10 May 2021