Family Photos

Learned Words | Kymberly Fergusson

Family Photos

Photos taken or kept by Fay and Kym Ferguson, scanned by Kym

These pages are not indexed by search engines. You can download .zip file from each ‘album’.

If you want any taken down such as for privacy reasons, please send Kym an email and include the link to the photo(s) and the album name.

Welcome to Kym’s repository of family photos (taken by Fay, Jean, and others).

The collection will continue to increase as they are scanned, processed, captioned and uploaded - there is a huge amount of photos and slides to get through (two entire large boxes full). The loose photos are completely disorganised, therefore the ‘categories’ below therefore will continue to have photos added to them.

Almost none have captions written on their backs, so I may guess who is in the photos wrongly - please do let me know which I should correct. There are many that I have no real idea who they are of.

I’m also including the postcards sent to us (the Ferguson family) or to Nanna (in her album), including what was written on their backs, where they weren’t blank. Again, if you want these taken down, please let me know.

  • All the photos to be scanned
  • All the slides to be scanned

View the photos

  1. Click on the links below to see each ‘category’ or album of photos, then click on a photo to bring it up in a lightbox in your browser.
  2. Move through the photos via the thumbnails at the bottom of the lightbox, or the arrows on the left or right.

Photo galleries

Jean & Norm Kelly

Fay, Les, Kym & Brett

Extended family


  • Unknown - Kym couldn’t guess who the people were or where the photos were taken.

Working on grandpa’s unfinished tapestry

Why I’m processing these photos

For those of you who know some or all of the story, you may wonder why I am doing this - there’s a few reasons.

Firstly, for you - these photos aren’t just of my family and it feels wrong not to make them available to you.

It’s also my contribution to a memorial, to help you and I find some closure, as I cannot be there in person for the scattering of Sarah’s, Mum’s and Dad’s ashes.

And it is a CBT exercise to practice how to detach and observe, to distance myself from the 14 years, and recognise and accept that everyone has multiple sides they show to others. cPTSD is a lifelong thing to work alongside. The psych and I aim to bring forwards positive and neutral memories to hopefully decrease the dominance of the negative ones.

I will pause and talk through things if at any point it becomes difficult.

Love, Kym

Processing notes to self

The Jekyll website is using the Feeling Responsive Gallery plugin to display thumbnails and show a viewer for individual photos with captions.

To make and rename the thumbnails from a directory of images - these are the command line prompts.

magick mogrify -path thumb -format jpg -define jpeg:size=240x180 -thumbnail 120x90 '*.jpg'
cd thumb
rename -x -a -thumb.jpg *
mv * ../

Scanned on a Canon Pixma multifunction in colour at 600dpi. Minimal processing (crop/etc.) in Affinity Photo 2.

Slides scanned on an old Brother slide-scanner, then exposure corrected in Affinity Photo 2.